
Aquamarine PowerAquamarine
Aquamarine PowerGreen energy out of the blue
TechnologiesSimple, reliable and built to survive.
Future Developments
Oyster®Oyster® is a hydro-electric Wave Energy Converter, designed to convert renewable energy harnessed from ocean waves into usable electricity.
Oyster® consists of an Oscillator fitted with pistons and fixed to the nearshore sea bed. Each passing wave activates the Oscillator, pumping high pressure water through a sub-sea pipeline to the shore. Onshore, conventional hydro-electric generators convert this high-pressure water into electrical power.
Oyster® is designed to be deployed in multi-MW arrays. With a peak power of 300-600kW per Oyster®, a commercial farm of just ten devices could provide clean renewable energy to a town of 3,000 homes.
Simple is best; less is moreDesigned according to the principle that simple is best and less is more, Oyster® marries innovative wave energy technology advances with proven conventional hydro-electric components in a system which will produce a reliable and cost-competitive supply of electricity.
Many wave energy devices currently under development rely on complex unproven technologies deployed in inaccessible offshore locations. Oyster® is different. Its offshore component is a simple, highly reliable mechanical flap with minimal submerged moving parts. There is no underwater generator, power electronics or gearbox. The complex power generation equipment remains easily accessible onshore.
Enhanced survivabilityDesigned to be deployed at depths of 10-12m, Oyster® will benefit from the more consistent seas and narrower directional spread of waves found nearshore. Reduced wave height and load enhance Oyster®’s natural survivability. Any excess energy is spilled over the top of Oyster®’s flap; its rotational capacity allowing it to literally duck under the waves.
Maximum efficiency; cost-competitive energyThe calmer nearshore wave climate allows Oyster® to capture a high percentage of annual average power and deliver consistent power supply. Its lightweight structure gives an excellent power-to-weight ratio with an annual average output competitive with devices weighing up to five times more. With multiple pumps feeding a single onshore generator, an Oyster® farm offers good economies of scale. Modular mass production will minimise capital costs, whilst ease of installation, accessibility and routine maintenance will offer cost-competitive operating costs.
Low ecological impact; high environmental gainOyster® uses water as its hydraulic fluid, eliminating environmental risks associated with oil hydraulics or underwater electrical equipment. Measuring just 18m x 12m x 2m, Oyster® has a minimal environmental footprint. Oyster® is silent in operation and contains no toxic substances. Based on figures from the Carbon Trust, each individual Oyster®’s annual carbon saving could be as much as 500 tonnes.
Development statusOyster® has been under development by Aquamarine Power since 2005, in partnership with the award-winning marine energy research group at Queens University, Belfast.
Following extensive numerical modelling and wave tank testing at 1/40th and 1/20th scale, the first full-scale Oyster® was fabricated by Isleburn in Scotland in 2008. Oyster® has undergone extensive onshore testing and the reliability of its design has been fully certified by independent third parties.
Installation of Oyster® at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney will be managed by Fugro Seacore, one of the world’s foremost geotechnical drilling and marine construction contractors. Sea trials are scheduled to commence in the autumn of 2009.
Oyster® being loaded onto barge at Nigg 2009
Oyster® mid-air being loaded onto barge at Nigg 2009
Fabrication of full-scale Oyster® in 2008
Oyster® loaded at Nigg
Full-scale Oyster®
Oyster® onshore test rig
Scale model testing of Oyster®
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【私のコメント】: 2009.8.3
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海洋に存在する風等によって生み出される波力による波動の周期的な変動で起こる波動の運動エネルギーの総量は、潮流の有する流動の運動エネルギーの総量の方が遥かに、多く、莫大な運動エネルギーを所有しているのである。 日本においては、その海流に係る水利・物理的研究体系も、なおざりのような状態である。 米国のNASAは、特に別名 【WET NASA】と言われるウッズホール海洋研究所等による海洋研究には、米国海軍の観測データや気象衛星の利用が拡大されているのである。
既に世界各地の海洋気象、気象の総合的なデータを絶え間なく集積し続けており、利用をし始めているのである。 日本で、公開される海洋のデータの殆どは、このNASAによるものである。
【関連リンク1】: NASA(アメリカ航空宇宙局)wikipedia:
【関連リンク2】: ウッズホール海洋研究所 wikipedia: