【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ8OOlpVsHA
☆Let us Create Hopeful Future☆
Let's Create a Peaceful World where People are Safe and Conflict free
ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean-Floating-Structures such as the Noah's ark.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Energy and Development
【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ8OOlpVsHA
Energy Island Animation (H4 Group)
【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW6NFPhrhWA
By accessing the worlds biggest solar thermal collector, our seas, OTEC is a system that is capable of producing enough energy and water for the entire planet and with a net cooling effect on our i...
カテゴリ: 科学と技術
タグ: energy island michaelis boyd marine architecture power engineering infrastructure design management H4 animation 3D
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Energy Island
The Energy Island, a joint venture lead by Dominic Michaelis, draws on the broad range of research activities being conducted across the University of Southampton in a number of specialist research groups. A virtual team, collaborating with industry and academics internationally is working towards the goal of a floating energy island capable of delivering gigawatt levels of energy from renewable sources. The modular structure of the Energy Island permits scaling and adaptation to suit a variety of different locations, climates and demands while facilitating economic feasibility through shared infrastructure, volume production and low operating costs. The flexibility of siting offered by a floating platform also offers a critical advantage to the more densely populated countries such as the United Kingdom where obtaining environmentally and socially acceptable locations for the siting of large renewable energy capture installations is a major hurdle for any new development.
カテゴリ: 科学と技術
タグ: OTEC Energy Desalination Island
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Tidal Energy Pty Ltd animation
【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDfnloFMwH8
An animation of the world leading Davidson-Hill Venturi Turbine.
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: tidal energy
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Tidal Power
【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHwt5taRsas
New York City is pioneering the use of tidal flows to generate electric power.
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: new york generator power electricity tidal water environment
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Tidal power is enhanced with a combination of ship and wind technology.(科技增進潮汐發電)
【出展リンク】 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wJWYFxbmvU
Be Veg. Go Green. Save the Planet. for more details, (吃素、環保、救地球)Please visit http://www.SupremeMasterTV.com Tidal Energy Limited, based in Cardiff, UK will test its 1 megawatt DeltaStream tidal turbine near the coast of Wales. It applies innovations used from propulsion system of ship with wind turbines....etc.英國加地大的潮汐能源公司將在威爾斯沿海附近測試一 百萬瓦的三角潮汐滑輪機,它採用船舶推進系統和風電機的革新技術等等。
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: Wales tidal power applies innovations propulsion system 威爾斯 潮汐 發電 採用 革新 推進 系統
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Tide 潮汐
【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKJtC32-D0A
The simulation of tide on Phun.
カテゴリ: 教育
タグ: Tide
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The Earth's Ozone Hole from 1979-2007
【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taTzqRHNIEc
NASA's been tracking the thinning of the ozone layer the south pole for nearly 20 years. In this slowed-down animation, you can watch the ozone hole's average size each October.
For more information, check out NASA's ozone hole monitoring site: http://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Or read Wired.com's story about the city most affected by the problem:
カテゴリ: 科学と技術
タグ: environment ozone hole NASA pollution animation science data
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Wired Science 5: Rainforests of the World
【出展リンク: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMk2kYsUljE
Wired Science visits The Rainforests of the World exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences, where a vibrant snapshot of life from across the globe is on display in a greenhouse dome.
カテゴリ: 科学と技術
タグ: wired science greenhouse bio dome rainforests of the world CAS environment animals plants madagascar costa rica
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【Fury as giant Belo Monte Amazon rainforest dam is approved by Brazil】
Fury as giant Belo Monte Amazon rainforest dam is approved by Brazil
The Belo Monte project on the Xingu river, an Amazon tributary, was started in the 1990s but abandoned amid widespread protests at home and abroad. The rock star Sting led a campaign against the plan with tribal leaders, and revisited Brazil in November last year to urge the Government to consider the impact of deforestation on greenhouse gas levels and global warming.
The $17billion (£11billion) dam in the northern state of Pará will be the world’s third-largest and could provide electricity to 23million homes, a supply that the Government says is vital to the country’s economic growth. Critics argue that the flooding of 500 sq km of rainforest will damage fish stocks and wildlife and force the displacement of indigenous peoples.
Carlos Minc, the Environment Minister, said on Monday that the land flooded would be a fraction of the 5,000 sq km originally planned. “The environmental impact exists but it has been weighed up, calculated and reduced,” he said. “Not one Indian on indigenous land will be displaced.”
Fine balance of energy and environment
The tribe that stood their ground
Sold down the river: tribe's home to be a valley of the dammed
However, groups on land not demarcated as tribal territory — a distinction often labelled a get-out clause by indigenous campaigners — still stand to lose their homes. Mr Minc said that they would be compensated. Indigenous groups complain that they were not properly consulted over the project, which Megaron Tuxucumarrae, a chief of the Kayapo tribe, said would destroy the environment that his people had taken care of for millennia. “We are opposed to dams on the Xingu, and will fight to protect our river,” he said.
The state-run company Eletrobrás is said to be eyeing the project, but a contract has not yet been awarded. The winning company will have to spend $803million on measures to minimise its impact and resettle an estimated 12,000 people.
Critics said that the Government had underestimated the potential impact in its attempt to meet political ends in an election year. Even within the Government, the project has been so contentious that in November two senior officials from Ibama, Brazil’s environmental agency, resigned, citing political pressure.
With general elections looming in October, the Government is under pressure to deal with energy infrastructure problems that resulted in large swathes of the country, including São Paolo and Rio de Janeiro, being plunged into darkness in November.
Engineering experts have questioned the efficiency of the 11-gigawatt dam, which would be outstripped in size only by China’s Three Gorges and Itaipu on the Brazil-Paraguay border.
Francisco Hernández, an electrical engineer and joint co-ordinator of a group of 40 specialists who analysed the project, said that the dam would generate little electricity during the three to four-month dry season. Describing it as a scheme of “doubtful engineering viability”, he said Belo Monte was an extremely complex project “that would interrupt the flow of water courses over an enormous area, requiring excavation of earth and rocks on the scale of that carried out for digging the Panama Canal”.
Up to 70 dams, roads, gas pipelines and power grids worth more than $30billion are to be built to tap the region’s raw materials and transport agricultural products.
The announcement drew a furious reaction from environmental groups around the world. Aviva Imhof, the campaigns director of International Rivers, described it as a “foolish investment”, and said that by investing in energy efficiency, Brazil could cut demand by 40 per cent over the nextdecade and save $19billion. “The amount of energy saved would be equivalent to 14 Belo Monte dams,” she said.
Fiona Watson, research director of the UK-based Survival International, said the dam would be a catastrophe for indigenous people. “The Brazilian Government has driven through the dam with a cavalier disregard to indigenous peoples’ rights,” she said. “Development in Brazil comes at an unacceptable price — the destruction of whole tribes.”
Google翻訳 : 【一部翻訳を訂正しました。】
$ 17billion(£ 11billion)パラー州の北の状態にあるダムは、世界で2位と3番目の2300万世帯は、政府の意見を供給する電気を供給する可能性がある国の経済成長に不可欠であるとされています。批評家は、熱帯雨林の500平方キロの洪水、魚や野生動物、先住民族の変位を強制的に損傷を与えると主張している。
カルロスミンツ、環境大臣は、月曜日に、"環境への影響が存在するが、土地の浸水は、当初の予定の5000平方キロメートルの予定の一部について計算しなおし、削減する"、 "先住民族の土地において、誰もが避難されるようになるであろう。" と述べた。
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【Old rotten fish】:by TIMES ONLINE
02/02/2010Old rotten fishScientists put up with all sorts of discomfort for the sake of curiosity. At a mosquito lab at Queen Mary University London, some of the mosquitoes have to be fed on fresh blood (the malaria researchers' blood). Neuroscientists at the lab I used to work at were constantly taking part in each others pain, drug or gas experiments. But, a study that came out yesterday in Nature, involving the gradual decomposition of fish has got to have been one of the worst. In order to work out how different tissue structures in ancient fish would have changed during decomposition (and before fossilisation) the team observed the gradual rotting of lamprey fishduring a period of six months. "When we set-up the experiments we had difficulty finding an out of the way room where any smells would be less potentially disruptive to the rest of the building," says Mark Purnell, who led the research. "Shortly after we started the work a nearby lecture theatre had to be evacuated because of unbearably bad smells thankfully it turned out to have nothing to do with us." Thankfully too, the grim experiment has thrown up some interesting results. The study suggests that neglecting the effect of decay prior to fossilisation may have lead many fossils to be misinterpreted. Previously, a common assumption among palaeontologists was that as specimens decayed, they lost defining characteristics in a fairly random order. Purnell and his team found that in the case of fish, they tended to lose their most recently evolved characteristics first. Effectively, as fish decay they are shunted back down the tree of life into an earlier phase of the species' evolution. "As they decayed the more primitive characteristics became more prominent," says Purnell. The finding is particularly relevant to the interpretation of chordates — fish that lived about half a billion years ago, and featured a characteristic rod-like support structure, which was a precursor to the backbone. With no bone structures to rely on, palaeontologists are dependent on tissue which is vulnerable to decay. The latest study places new stricter boundaries on the extent to which these fossils can be interpreted. A fossil may look primitive, but researchers will now have to also consider the possibility that the fish was just very, very rotten. POSTED BY HANNAH DEVLIN ON FEBRUARY 2, 2010 IN EVOLUTION ,PALAEONTOLOGY | PERMALINK | POST TO TWITTER TrackBackTrackBack URL for this entry: http://www.typepad.com/services/trackback/6a00d83451586c69e20120a83ae3a9970b Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Old rotten fish: Comments |
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【月や太陽の引力が地震の引き金に】:by 防災科学技術研究所 田中佐千子
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