【追記】以下の通り: 2009.9.6
世界に衝撃を与えたマイケル・ジャクソンの突然の死から二ヶ月が経過した。ロシアのFSBはメドベージェフ大統領に、マイケル・ジャクソンは米CIA暗殺された と報告した。
日時: 2009年9月21日(月) 18:30~21:30(受付は18時からです)
場所: 恵比寿区民会館 (東京都渋谷区恵比寿西 2-8-1 )
アクセス: JR・東京メトロ日比谷線 恵比寿駅 徒歩5分 MAP
費用: 3000円 (学生2000円)
申し込み方法: 氏名、連絡先 、参加人数、支払い方法(持参又は振込み)を明記の上、
お問い合わせ: ベンジャミンフルフォード事務所 (
Chinese to destroy Feds by refusing to honor fraudulent derivatives contracts
The Chinese government has told Chinese companies they do not have to honor derivates and commodity futures contracts made with Western financial institutions.
This is one of the most important of many nails in the coffin for the soon to implode Federal Reserve Board. The Chinese have every right to renege on those contracts because they were fraudulent. First of all the Feds manipulated the commodities markets to their benefit and to the detriment of the Chinese. They also allowed 100 times leverage thus allowing for astronomical ponzi schemes to be set up. Furthermore, they almost certainly did not properly explain the risks when they made their deals with the Chinese. Now that their attempt to rip off the Chinese is blowing up in their faces, these financial institutions will implode. This will set off a chain of events that will make the Lehman Brothers implosion seem like a storm in a tea cup. The total amount of derivates contracts outstanding is now over $5000 trillion or 100 times world GDP. In other words it is just a giant illusion waiting to vanish along with the institutions that peddled it.
Posted at 16:05 Permalink Comments (22) TrackBack (0)
Democrat victory in Japan a good thing but many questions remain
The victory of the Democratic Party in Japan in the August 30th elections is a great thing but many questions remain. The DPJ victory has largely destroyed the CIA created Liberal Democratic Party that has ruled almost uninterruptedly since 1955. The question as to whether or not this means the colonial occupation of Japan has ended, though, remains to be answered.
First of all, it is a little known fact that Yukio Hatoyama, the new Prime Minister, is related to both defeated Prime Minister Taro Aso and his predecessor Shinzo Abe. Most top politicians in Japan are intermarried second or third generation scions who inherit their power base. Hatoyama’s grandfather former Prime Minister Ichiro Hatoyama was a freemason. The wife of DPJ deputy leader Naoto Kan told me Yukio Hatoyama is also a freemason although he personally denies it. It is therefore reasonable to doubt just how independent from New World Order control the Stanford educated Hatoyama really is.
Then there is the question of Ichiro Ozawa, Hatoyama’s predecessor as DPJ leader and the man now believed by insiders to be the real top boss of Japan. Many political sources have told me Ozawa is close to New World Order honcho J. Rockefeller. It is also widely believed Ozawa was bribed by the Americans in 1992 in exchange for helping finance the first Gulf War. Will he come clean about this and all the other US bribes?
Another question mark is the process by which DPJ candidates were selected. Unlike say Canada, where local party officials select local candidates, DPJ candidates are chosen in a secretive back room process by the three top party bosses and unknown insiders (the freemasons? The Emperor?). So the party itself is not really democratic.
There will be several tests to see if the new government really does represent a change. First of all we need to see whether or not they open up a South African style truth and reconciliation commission to investigate the many political murders and other nefarious doings of the CIA controlled LDP puppet government and their thugs. An important starting point would be to re-open the investigation into the murder of prominent DPJ MP Kouki Ishii. The murderer has told the victim’s daughter the assassination was part of a conspiracy but the police refuse to investigate. Some prominent DPJ leaders are believed by Ishii’s relatives to be involved in the murder. So how about it Hatoyama, will you re-open the Ishii case?
A second big test will be to see if they reveal the truth about the secret budget and the government owned sector of the economy that Ishii believed to account for 70% of Japanese GDP. So far, they are talking the talk on this issue so now we need to see if they walk the walk.
A third test will be to see if the DPJ discloses the truth about Japan’s dire financial situation. Many insiders believe the Japanese government to be de facto bankrupt. The numbers put out by the Ministry of Finance are fictitious because they fail to include items like government guaranteed loans made by private sector banks. If they are serious about fixing the financial system there will have to be a banking holiday.
A fourth test will be to see if they re-negotiate the extremely unfair status of forces agreement with the US occupation army.
Finally, we need to see if they stop financing the US military industrial complex and instead use Japan’s $7.5 trillion in overseas assets to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
If the new government fails these and other tests, it will implode and be replaced by a right-wing nationalistic government.
Posted at 19:01 Permalink Comments (23) TrackBack (0)
(Note to English readers: the interview scheduled with Jeff Rense for August 27th will take place on September 1st)
Will the new Democratic Party of Japan government collapse within a year?
The Democratic Party of Japan government that is expected to take power after the August 30th elections is likely to implode within a year if it does not announce a new financial system for Japan. The Japanese public is placing excess hope on the DPJ government and this hope could quickly turn to bitterness unless truly drastic reforms are carried out. The Japanese government has been de facto bankrupt for several years so unless the DPJ announces a new financial system and a restructuring of the debt, they will not have the money to carry out their plans. Any half measures and timid reforms are likely to just make matters worse.
So, the only way for Japan to return to fast economic growth and prosperity is to carry out reforms at least on the scale of the Meiji reforms that led to the modernization of Japan. The first step would be to close most financial institutions temporarily in order to reboot the nation’s finances. Anybody with more than the 10 million yen covered by deposit insurance in the bank will find they have less money in their accounts when the banks re-open.
If the DPJ government fails to carry out the needed reforms, a right-wing nationalist government will replace it.
Posted at 10:45 Permalink Comments (22) TrackBack (1)
Q: イギリスのエリザベス女王は闇の権力側にいるのか?新しい金融システム側にいるのか?
A: 彼女の立場は今まで色々と変わってきているが、現在新しい金融システムと世界から貧困や環境破壊をなくすキャンペーンを支持していると聞いている。
Q: ヴァチカンの人達はどちら側にいる?
A: ローマ法王が演説などで新しい公平な金融システムの構築を支持しているという発言をしている。また先日米連銀がマネーロンダリングをしようとしていた1345億ドルを押収したので、現在ヴァチカンはイギリス王室と同様に新しいシステムと貧困や環境をなくすキャンペーンを支持していると理解している。
Q: ドル価値の引き下げとアメロの発表が近い?
A: アメリカが勝手にドルを引き下げたら、世界各国に対する借金を払わないという意味になる。世界各国はそれを許さない。今まで作られたドルの9割はアメリカ人ではない人達が所有している。彼らが所有するドルは金本位性になっているが、2008年9月11日以降に作られたドルは金本位性になっていない。
Q: アメリカの銀行が一時期閉鎖される?
A: 複数の情報元によると早くて9月末辺りに何かが起こる。それ以降に長引く可能性もある。
Q: アメリカの大統領が免罪になる?
A: パパブッシュ以降の大統領は確かに全員犯罪者である。しかしもし彼らを免罪にすることにより、早く世界を良くするキャンペーンが始められるのであれば、彼らを免罪にするべきかもしれない。いずれにせよ彼らは数え切れない程の多くの人の命を奪ったので、世界中に敵が非常に多く良い立場ではない。
Q: 新型インフルエンザの予防接種は強制されるか?
A: 「予防接種」による大量殺りくは絶対に許されない。
Answers to questions from a reader:
Q: People are wondering how the Queen fits in with all this. What her power might be to intervene, is she a player for the Coalition or a part of the Cabal?
A: The queen has been flipping and flopping back and forth but our latest intelligence has it that she fully supports the new financial system and a new Marshall plan for the planet earth.
Q: The Vatican is another question mark. Did you have plans to meet with them; did that happen already?
So far there has only been the meeting with Leo Zagami. However, the pope has come out publicly in support of the new financial system. The Italians also confiscated the $134.5 billion the Federal Reserve was trying to fraudulently launder. So, it seems the Vatican is with the good guys now.
Q: There is a lot of speculation about whether the dollar will be devalued here in America: This along with rumored plans again of a NAU.
A: A dollar devaluation would be equivalent to the US unilaterally defaulting on its debt to the rest of the world: the rest of the world will not allow that to happen. The US could not pull that one off because 90% of dollars ever created are not owned by Americans. Those dollars are now backed by gold. All Fed dollars created after September 11 2008 are not.
Q: Everyone is waiting for the Bank Holiday which has not materialized.
A: Be patient, my sources and other people’s sources still expect something by the end of September but it could be delayed even a bit longer after that date.
Q: Is there going to be immunity for the Presidents and others?
A: It might be a good idea if that is what is necessary to get the cabal to step aside peacefully. However, they have killed a lot of people and there is a lot of anger towards them so I would be very scared if I was one of them.
Q: What about this vaccine? Will this Cabal fall before any of this can be realized?
A: There is no chance whatsoever they will be allowed to carry out genocide by vaccine.
Posted at 11:16 Permalink Comments (26) TrackBack (0)
How Western civilization became like the Borg of Star Trek
Western civilization has lost its most important asset: the ability to impartially seek the truth, no matter where it might lead. At its peak Western civilization used logic and science to blast away at superstition and ignorance. Any single person could, by means of evidence and logic, change the way Western civilization thought. The result was unprecedented human progress in many spheres leading to such things as the industrial revolution. However, over a hundred years ago a greedy cabal began infiltrating the West’s institutions and distorting science in the name of power lust and greed.
Now, the institutions that made the West strong have all been subverted and perverted. Scientific journals have been taken over by a cabal of financiers who use a non-transparent process of “peer review” to suppress discovery that is inconvenient to the cabal’s financial interests. At some point science developed “laws” that could not be broken, evidence be damned. Science, by its very definition is supposed to be a work in progress based on evidence and facts not “unbreakable laws.”
Inventors who break any of these “laws” (such as the so-called second law of thermodynamics) are, if necessary, murdered.
Once we have purged these parasites from the collective brain of the West and science is again set free, world civilization will flourish as never before. That day, fortunately for us all, is close.
Posted at 13:26 Permalink Comments (45) TrackBack (0)
In the internet age it is too easy to forget reality
Having just spent a few weeks in the Canadian wilderness, I have been reminded of how important it is to stay connected to reality and not just the virtual reality of the internet. We will soon be creating virtual fantasy worlds that people will be able to download their personalities into. For many who live lives of drudgery in the real world, such artificial realities offer a welcome escape. However, whether you are an atheist or believe in God, the fact of the matter is that there exists something called nature that we did not make but rather that made us. Waking up with the sun and going to sleep with the dark and living with the cycles of the natural world is something most city dwellers have forgotten. No matter how complex the artificial realities we are about to create and move into, we must never forget they are ultimately anchored in a reality we did not create.
Now that I am back from holiday I will once again start daily updates of my blog but I will not forget what we are all fighting for in this information war: A better reality for all of us.
Posted at 20:06 Permalink Comments (47) TrackBack (0)
7月26日(日)ベンジャミン・フルフォード講演会~戦後の日本の「闇の歴史」、政界再編・平成維新に向けて~ DVD販売のお知らせ
商品名: ベンジャミミン・フルフォード講演会~戦後の日本の「闇の歴史」、政界再編・平成維新に向けて~DVD
購入方法:下記宛に振り込みが完了したら、、SHOP、又は振込み完了日時、氏名、住所、連絡先 を明記の上、メール(にてお申し込み下さい。
(振込先:三菱東京UFJ銀行、高円寺支店、普)0724149、ベンジアミン フルフォード)
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Posted at 09:11 Permalink Comments (19) TrackBack (0)
公選法で禁止、海外は容認 ネット選挙『解禁の時』2009年8月12日 夕刊
海外では広く認められているのに、日本では選挙の公示後、インターネットを使った選挙運動は認められていない。ホームページや動画は、公選法で規制される「規定外文書図画」とみなされているからだ。「安価で、幅広く政策や信条を伝えられるネット選挙を解禁すべきだ」との声が高まっている。 (稲垣太郎、橋本誠)
◆ 「ホームページを運営する経費は月五万円、ブログ(ネット上の日記)が月二百十円。一方、選挙区の全戸に配布するチラシを作ると二百万円はかかかります」
Posted at 11:16 Permalink Comments (28) TrackBack (0)
テーマ: 北米レポート&交流会
交流会 2時間
日時: 2009年8月29日(土) 14:00~17:00(受付は13時半からです)
場所: 恵比寿区民会館 (東京都渋谷区恵比寿西 2-8-1 )
アクセス: JR・東京メトロ日比谷線 恵比寿駅 徒歩5分 MAP
費用: 3000円 (学生2000円)
申し込み方法: 氏名、連絡先 、参加人数、支払い方法(持参又は振込み)を明記の上、
お問い合わせ: ベンジャミンフルフォード事務所 (
Posted at 17:08 Permalink Comments (24) TrackBack (0)
Posted at 18:42 Permalink Comments (28) TrackBack (0)
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【上記出展参考リンク1】:【 REUTERS 2009.8.31】:
【 UPDATE 1-Beijing's derivative default stance rattles banks】
: 2009.8.31
For banks that are hoping to sell more derivatives hedges in China, the world's fastest-expanding major economy and top commodities consumer, the danger goes beyond the immediate risk to existing contracts to the longer-term precedent that suggests Chinese companies can simply renege on deals when they like.
The report follows an order from SASAC in July that required all central government-controlled state companies engaged in trading derivatives to make quarterly reports about their investments, including details of holdings and performance.
But the reported letter opened several important questions that could not immediately be answered.
"If we were among the banks receiving that letter, we would be very angry. But now the key is to find out more details on the letter: In whose name the letter was issued, the government or the corporate's? And under what was the reason for defaulting?" said a Singapore-based marketing executive with a foreign bank.
The source, whose bank did not receive a letter, said that Air China, China Eastern and shipping giant COSCO -- among the Chinese companies that have reported huge derivatives losses since last year -- had issued almost identical notices to banks.
"If it's in the name of the government, the impact will be very negative," said the source, who declined to be named.
Beijing-based derivatives lawyers said the so-called "legal letter" has no legal standing -- SASAC as a shareholder has no business relationship with international banks.
"It's like the father suddenly told the creditors of his debt-ridden son that his son won't pay any of his debt," said a lawyer from the derivatives risks committee of the Beijing Lawyers Association.
It's also unclear why Chinese state firms, which have complained that their foreign banks sometimes did not disclose full information of potential risks when selling them complicated products, did not seek redress through the courts.
"If that is the case, these firms should seek through legal measures to safeguard their rights, instead of turning to the authorities for political interference," said a different lawyer.
SASAC took over the job of overseeing SOEs' derivatives trading from the securities regulator in February after several Chinese firms reported huge losses from derivatives.
For a factbox of China's derivatives debacles:[ID:nPEK206094] (Reporting by Eadie Chen and Chen Aizhu in Beijing, Alfred Cang in Shanghai, George Chen and Michael Flaherty in Hong Kong; Editing by Jonathan Leff)
【注】:BenjaminFulford 氏のコメント:以下の通り
【 中国が欧米大手金融機関の詐欺的「金融派生商品契約」を無効にするため、米連銀は終わる金融のプロの多くの人達はこのロイター通信などのニュースの意味を理解していないようだ。】