【私へのメール】: info@barackobama.com; 2010/06/29
Should we add your name in support of Wall St. reform?
matuoka --
After more than seven months of work and a prolonged effort by Organizing for America supporters, House and Senate leaders just agreed on a final Wall Street reform bill. They're moving fast toward final votes.
This is the final hurdle to enacting the toughest financial reforms since the Great Depression -- and delivering another historic accomplishment for the American people.
These votes in the House and Senate will come down to the wire. Lobbyists for the big banks will be knocking down the doors on Capitol Hill this week, so we're going all-in over the next few days to fight back -- and that starts with a massive public display of support for the bill.
Many in Congress are fighting hard alongside President Obama for Wall Street reform -- they need to hear our support. Others are standing with the special interests -- and it's even more important that they hear from us too.
Add your name now to the growing list of OFA supporters who are standing with the President on Wall Street reform.
Reform doesn't just help create a more stable economy, it greatly improves the daily lives of all American families. Here are five of the most important benefits of the bill:
1) Reform forces credit card and mortgage companies to play by the rules. No more hidden fees or pages of fine print.
2) Families who are hoping to buy a home or pay for college are put on a level playing field with lenders. Reform ensures they'll get the information they need presented clearly and concisely so they can make good decisions. The same goes for small businesses and community banks who play fair and deserve to see their businesses grow.
3) The legislation cracks down on predatory lenders looking to mislead people into taking on irresponsible debt.
4) Wall Street reform establishes an independent agency -- the Consumer Financial Protection Agency -- whose sole job is to protect consumers and enforce the new consumer financial protections, which would be the strongest ever enacted.
5) Finally, American taxpayers will never again be asked to bail out the big banks that are "too big to fail." Let's be absolutely clear about this, no matter what our opponents in Congress say.
But these changes will only happen if the President can sign it into law. We need to get the bill to him.
Stand with the President in support of this crucial reform:
Thank you,
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: matuoka7ocean@gmail.com