Bring your voice to the world leaders at COP15 - the most important conference on climate change in a decade. As nations seek an agreement to protect the world we want your views from all across the world.
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: cop15 cop 15 copenhagen polution kyoto tck tck tck rainforest global warming seal the deal unicef unep co2 ngo climate change change ozon earth love protect nature peace hope raise your voice
☆Let us Create Hopeful Future☆
Let's Create a Peaceful World where People are Safe and Conflict free
ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean-Floating-Structures such as the Noah's ark.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
RAISE YOUR VOICE and change climate change !
COP15 Highlights, day 6 - December 12, 2009
Watch highlights from day 6 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) - recorded on December 12, 2009
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: COP15
COP15 Highlights, day 5 - December 11, 2009
Watch highlights from day 5 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) - recorded on December 11, 2009
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: un climate change conference 2009 united nations copenhagen
COP15 Highlights, day 4 - December 10, 2009
Watch highlights from day 4 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) - recorded on December 10, 2009
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: un climate change conference 2009 united nations cop15 copenhagen
COP15 Highlights, day 3 - December 9, 2009
Watch highlights from day 3 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) - recorded on December 9, 2009
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: COP15 Day 3
COP15 Highlights, day 2 - December 8, 2009
Watch highlights from day 2 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) - recorded on December 8, 2009
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 COP15 Copenhagen
COP15 Highlights, day 1 - December 7, 2009
Watch highlights from day 1 of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) - recorded on December 7, 2009.
カテゴリ: ニュースと政治
タグ: un climate change conference 2009 cop15 copenhagen united nations