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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
美しい森林(もり)をつくろう!〜中西哲生のJust Japan 2009/09/08
(「中西哲生のJust Japan」8月29日放送)
【Hywind floating wind turbine goes live】 :
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
by rd @ 12:13 pm

Hywind floating wind turbine goes live
by rd @ 12:13 pm
Is the future of wind power floating off the Norwegian coast? The world’s first full-scale floating wind turbine – StatoilHydro’s Hywind pilot – was officially launched yesterday in the North Sea. Floating wind towers may someday allow turbines to be installed far offshore out of view from land, outside shipping lanes and where ocean winds are strongest.

Hywind is a 2.3-megawatt wind turbine installed on a traditional floater of the kind previously used as production platforms and offshore loading in the oil drilling business. The turbine was manufactured by the Siemens Wind Power in Denmark, while France’s Technip built the floater and Nexans produced and laid the power cable to land.
The project is an example of how StatoilHydro’s long experience in the offshore oil and gas business can be applied to the burgeoning renewable energy market. StatoilHydro is investing about NOK 340 million in the project, with Enova providing NOK 59 million. Enova is a state-owned company which promotes environment-friendly changes to energy production and use in Norway.

Following assembly in the Amoy Fjord near Stavanger, the Hywind pilot was towed in June to a location 10 kilometers south-west of Karmoy island for a two-year testing period.
“Floating wind power remains an immature technology, and the road to commercialization and full-scale construction of wind farms will be long,” said company spokesperson Margareth Ovrum. “Our goal with the Hywind pilot to test how wind and waves affect the structure, learn how the operating concept can be optimized and identify technology gaps.”
The tower which is 65 meters high, supports rotors 80 meters in diameter, has a platform draught of 100 meters, and is attached to the seabed by a three-point mooring spread. Hywind is designed for waters with depths of 120-700 meters.
The company states that no serious health, safety or environmental incidents have occurred during Hywind’s development.
via: StatoilHydro press release related: previous post on Hywind
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There are 2 comments.
mantolama Sep 9, 2009
Energy without damaging the environment to achieve the most beautiful
wind turbine Sep 13, 2009
Floating wind turbine is a trend for the off shore large wind turbines. In 2009, there are at least 20 large floating wind turbines installed in the sea. We need consider the safety of floating wind turbines.
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2. 設置海域の選定において、海上の航路を避けなければならない。
3.前政権自民・公明党政権の政策で、環境省(環境大臣:斉藤鉄夫公明党議員)で、今年度中に、景気刺激対策的な補正予算による風力発電の実行施策を計画・実施する実地計画を発表(NHKニュース報道2009.8.23)したが、その環境省の計画自体が、総合的、科学的、経済効率および海鳥への生物環境に与える影響等における総合的な科学的な検討が十全になされていないで、洋上風力発電計画を推進しようとしているようである。このような場合には、試験的に、行うパイロット事業を先行させて、実証実地関連情報を集め、改善的な検討の過程・工程を踏まえることが必要になるのである。 この環境省の風力発電の計画では、国民に対する広報も不十分である上に、そのような総合的な検討や経済的合理性の検討の過程をまったく省いて、洋上風力発電を実地しようと計画しているのである。
また、本来ならば、この件に関して、環境省の行政範疇から、逸脱していることの疑念も浮かんで来る。 この案件ならば、海洋基本計画に基づいて、しかるべき官庁の選定をして、行うべきことである。
New Deep Sea Robot Helping Us Understand Climate Change

by Jaymi Heimbuch, San Francisco, California on 09.10.09
Science & Technology
A high tech, deep sea robot named the Benthic Rover has been crawling around the ocean floors off the coast of California, collecting data on life at the bottom of the sea. The findings not only help scientists to understand more about how life exists at these depths, but can also be important for our understanding of how warming temperatures is affecting marine ecosystems.
The Benthic Rover is a project by a team of engineers and scientists led by MBARI project engineer Alana Sherman and marine biologist Ken Smith. Crawling along the ocean floor at a rate of one meter per minute, it stops every few feet to collect information from the mud, including oxygen levels, how much marine snow - which is the food source for organisms at that depth - has fallen and other information.
The immediate use for the data is to understand how life can survive at that depth with such little oxygen and food supply making it to the bottom. However, according to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, over time the information will be increasingly useful to understand how climate change is impacting marine life.
This may be especially appealing to researchers looking in to ocean geo-engineering; these researchers are studying, in part, how ocean acidification can be leveled off through new circulation techniques, or dumping iron or limestone into the sea, and the impact of what does and doesn't reach the ocean floors is a big part of understanding how ocean acidification would be impacted.

But for now, the Benthic Rover has plans to study up. Later this fall, it will be on a two-month cruise near the undersea observatory at Monterey Bay. Next year it will be off shore in Central California, and the team hopes eventually in the waters off Antarctica.
More on Robots in the Oceans
WatCleaner Robot Is the Roomba for the Ocean
【参考】 http://www.earth-stream.com/outpage.php?s=18&id=204166
British Scientists Launch Climate Change Monitoring Robot Gliders in Atlantic Ocean
【参考】 http://www.earth-stream.com/outpage.php?s=18&id=204166
UK Deploying Armada of Robot Submarines and Sensors to Monitor Gulf Stream
Talking Robofish to Conduct Environmental Monitoring in Puget Sound
【参考】 http://www.earth-stream.com/outpage.php?s=18&id=204166
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