Mitch Stewart :; 2010/7/19
matuoka, we won
matuoka --
We've all been working hard for months to send a strong Wall Street reform bill to President Obama's desk.
Now we're only days away.
The final vote could be decided by a razor-thin margin. I've seen reports that we might have enough support, including that of a few Republicans, to pass the bill. But we won't know for sure until the votes are cast. So we're ramping up the pressure now to make sure the Senate passes reform.
David Plouffe recorded a message to let you know what's at stake and how you can help make sure we get Wall Street reform over the finish line.
Watch the video -- and help us spread the word on reform.
This movement has the chance to make history again in the coming days. Wall Street reform doesn't just represent the strongest consumer protections ever proposed -- it's the largest overhaul of our financial regulations since the Great Depression.
As we near the final vote, we need to get the word out about what reform means for everyday Americans. As always, supporters like you are the most effective messenger. When we needed to get out our message of change during the campaign, we turned to you. When we needed to stamp out the lies spreading about health reform, we turned to you.
Now we're turning to you again to help us get over the final hurdle on Wall Street reform.
After you've watched David's message, download our helpful "Benefits of Wall Street reform" handout. Print it out and post it in your community -- at your local coffee shops or grocery stores. Take it with you if you're going to door-to-door. Or just email it around to friends and family, and help us get the message out.
Watch the video -- and spread the word:
Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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