Directory:Ocean Wave Energy
From PESWiki
- See also PowerPedia:Ocean Wave Energy
Methods for harnessing the undulating action of waves to generate usable energy. From research and development to presently implemented solutions that harness the power of waves for energy production.
- Ocean Energy Potential - Ocean energy is mostly in an experimental stage but some of its component technologies have the potential to become mainstream energy sources and are now being trialed. Elementary primer on three basic ways to tap the ocean for its energy. We can use the ocean's waves, we can use the ocean's high and low tides, or we can use temperature differences in the water. (EnergyBusinessReports; June 25, 2007) [Don't forget current and salt/fresh mixing.]
- Electricity from the sea - In a world addicted to fossil fuel, turning waves into watts might seem far-fetched, but ocean power is gradually joining the ranks of wind and solar as a source of renewable energy. In less than three years, U.S. energy regulators have received nearly five dozen applications for water-related energy projects from South Florida to Washington state. (LA Times; Mar. 10, 2007)
- Ocean Energy Report for 2005 - "Without a doubt, ocean energy made a splash in 2005. But in 2006, here's hoping for a tidal wave." -- Carolyn Elefant, OREC. (Renewable Energy Access; Jan. 9, 2006)
- Oceans may hold an answer to electricity production - Wave action could power as much as 10 percent of the world's electrical demand someday. The potential along the West Coast could match all renewable energy systems presently deployed in the U.S. (The Columbian; Washington - Dec. 13, 2004)
- Wave Energy News: USA, UK and South Africa - There are multiple ways to tap the energy of the ocean, including its tides, thermal features, and salinity. But wave energy appears to be the most promising and closest to commercial production. A new report from the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) suggests that generation of electricity from wave energy may be economically feasible in the near future. (TreeHugger; Feb. 7, 2007)
- US Cities Eye Ocean Waves For Power Supplies - Energy companies and coastal cities like New York and San Francisco are aiming to tap ocean waves and tidal currents as abundant sources of electricity. (Reuters; Feb. 24, 2005)
- Ocean Power Fights Current Thinking - Ocean waves provide a predictable source of energy that is easily tapped, and will likely have minimal impact on the environment. Wave energy could soon compete with other renewable sources. (MIT Technology Review; March 28, 2005)
- Putting It All In Perspective - Renewable energy may hold the key to both national security and economic stability. Ocean energy can be tapped via offshore wind, wave power, current and tidal power, thermal energy conversion and even salinity gradients. (Renewable Energy Access; April. 18, 2005)
- Indian wave energy device patented 2007 - A near shore floating device facing incoming waves. Similar to the oscillating wave column except that there is no turbine. The rise and fall of the waves is converted to mechanical motion by heavy buoyant piston driving an overhead crankshaft. This in turn drives a gearbox and alternator. See animation and patent details in web page.
- Movable Water Turbines is a novel technology to harness power from sea waves developed by Indian engineers which has provisions for continuous power generation even in varying sea conditions. The technology is available from AGARWAL INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING PRIVATE LIMITED. The details are given in website: http://www.ainnovative-engg.com . Patent is awaited shortly.
Some of
advantages of this new technology are given below: 1. High efficiency technology for continuous power generation 2. Suitable for continuously varying conditions of sea 3. Power can be generated from few hundred Kilowatts to thousands of Megawatts 4. Renewable green energy, no green house gases / carbon emission 5. Modular unique design
- Events >
Energy Ocean 209 - June 16-18, 2009, Rockport, Maine. EnergyOcean is the world's leading event focusing on renewable and sustainable energy from the oceans and is the primary education platform and networking event for key players in the industry. Attendees will learn of the latest technological advances, investment opportunities, regulatory issues, and planned and implemented projects around the world.
- Events >
International Wave Energy Summit 2009 - June 30 - July 1, 2009, London, UK. The main objective is to push the Wave technology industry forward by addressing key challenges that hinder rapid development – access to funding, global opportunities, grid connection, environmental permits, maintenance strategies and more.
Wave Buoys
- Directory:Wave buoys - The flotation portion undulates with the waves, while a shaft fixed to the sea floor provides the counter-active force from which energy can be generated.

For Desalination
Water > Hydro > Ocean Wave Energy >
Searaser aquatic power generator takes to the sea - The Searaser system, unlike other wave power technologies, does not generate the electricity in the hostile environment of the ocean but rather pumps saltwater to an onshore generator. "Water and electricity don't mix -- and sea water is particularly corrosive -- so most other devices are very expensive to manufacture and maintain." (Energy Daily; January 23, 2012)
- Oyster - the world's largest working hydro-electric wave energy device - Aquamarine Power has launched the world’s largest working hydro-electric wave energy device in Scotland. Per its mode of action, the near-shore "oyster" produces power by pumping high pressure water to its onshore hydro-electric turbine which feeds into the national grid. A potential farm of 20 Oysters provide enough energy to power 9,000 three bedroom family home.s (GizMag; November 26, 2009)
- 2 New & Innovative Ocean Wave Energy Devices - ANSYS Inc is a global trend setter of simulation software and technologies to assist in converting the persistent forces of ocean waves into electricity. Green Ocean Energy Ltd, an Aberdeen based company, is developing mechanisms to harness energy from the Earth’s oceans, focusing on things such as the economic viability and sustainability of their products. (Alt Energy News; Oct. 5, 2009)
- Indian wave energy device patented 2007 A near shore floating device facing incoming waves. Similar to the oscillating wave column except that there is no turbine. The rise and fall of the waves is converted to mechanical motion by heavy buoyant piston driving an overhead crankshaft. This in turn drives a gearbox and alternator. See animation and patent details in web page.
- Neo-AeroDynamic An airfoil base design to harness kinetic power of the fluid flow via an artificial current around its center. The device differentiates from others by its capability to directly transfer wave power into rotational torque to drive a generator without a single moving part. As of a wave device, it harness the energy via the circular force of the wave surface current. Its high efficiency has making it's not only applicable to wave but also to the variety of aero-hydro electric including wind, free-flow (rivers, creeks), tidal, and oceanic currents.
- GyroWaveGen™ - Innovation uses a gyroscopic flywheel to provide the stationary position against which the oscillations of the wave motion can then be converted to usable energy. Owners of 1982 patent now looking to take improved design to market.
- CETO Zero Emission Power and Fresh Water - CETO, a technology patented by an Australian company, is the only wave energy technology that pumps high pressure seawater ashore making it the most efficient and cost effective way to desalinate freshwater from wave energy.
- Checkmate SeaEnergy - Checkmate SeaEnergy's Anaconda is a simple closed end rubber tube that promises 1MW wave-generated electricity at US$0.12 per kWh. Although around twice as much as coal-fired power stations, this compares very favorably with other leading wave energy concepts. (PESWiki; July 21, 2008)
- Ocean Navitas - The Aegir Dynamo™ is alleged to be more efficient than existing wave generation, fossil fuel and wind turbine technologies. With its 93% conversion efficiency, it has been calculated to produce 1MwH of electricity at a cost of 1.4p (2.8 cents US) per Kw in coastal applications. A 25Kw shore based unit that will cost 3p per kW is due by Sept 2007.
- DEXA Converter - Dexa Wave Floating planes tilting in the waves power a hydraulic system, that generates first electricity, and then compressed hydrogen fuel for transportation sector.
- Kneider's Wave Energy Propeller Engine - External fin system uses the energy of waves to provide thrust energy for the craft. Benefits the craft by stabilizing the ride. Toy-size proof of concept prototype built.
- Oscillating Water Column - Technology for harnessing the motion of ocean/sea waves as they push an air pocket up and down behind a breakwater. Wells Turbine inside generates electricity from rotation in the same direction, whether the air is moving forward or backward.
- Seapower Pacific - CETO is the first wave power converter to sit on the seabed, where it is invisible, safe from storms and ocean forces, and self contained. Unlike other wave energy technologies that require undersea grids and costly marine qualified plant, CETO requires only a small diameter pipe to carry high pressure seawater ashore to either a turbine to produce electricity, or to a reverse osmosis filter to produce fresh water.
- SyncWave Energy - SyncWave™ Power Resonator is a deep-water frequency domain device that synchronizes with the dominant frequency in the wave field. It will be slack moored, not requiring expensive tidal compensation, permitting a relatively light structure with simple anchoring, yielding a high energy to mass ratio.
- AWS Ocean Energy - The Archimedes Wave Swing is a submerged air-filled cylinder with a 'floater' that rises and falls as the waves pass above, whose movement relative to the fixed lower part is converted to 1MW of electricity by a linear generator.
- Underwater Power-Generating Buoys Make Waves - A British company, AWS Ocean Energy, has an underwater buoy that can harness wave energy from 50 meters below the surface. A town with 55,000 inhabitants would need half a square kilometre of seabed covered with 100 buoys to power it. (TreeHugger; June 17, 2007)
- AW-Energy - WaveRoller is a plate anchored on the sea bottom, whose back and forth movement caused by bottom waves, which are more continuous and predictable than surface waves, is collected by a piston pump. This energy can be converted to electricity either by a generator linked to the WaveRoller unit, or by a closed hydraulic system in combination with a generator/turbine system.
- WavePlane - Floating anchored artificial beach flushes the wave crest through reservoirs that store water and accelerate its flow into a fly-wheel-tube, which induces whirling movement that continues between waves and powers a turbine.
Three systems of “Wave Gear Drive System-WGD” are proposed for Wave Energy Extraction and Power Leveling through the whole cycle, all using a buoyant float developing an uplift of 2.65 tons, using pulleys and reduction gear to directly drive pumps or generators:
1) Wave Air Pump-WAP: Compresses air collects and feeds it to a turbo generator, thus reducing fuel consumption, maintaining power in absence of waves. b. Wave Gear Drive Pump-WGDP: pumps water and feeds it to a hydro-turbo generator.
2) Wave Gear Drive Generator-WGDG: Drives a Generator to directly generate electric power. The generator can be:
a) A synchronous AC (or VSG)Generator where Alternating voltage is conditioned; synchronized and feed to a step up transformer for transmission through a cable to the shore.
b) A DC Generator where Direct Current voltage is conditioned, converted to AC voltage, synchronized and feed to a step up transformer for transmission through a cable to the shore.
- Wave Star Energy - Positioned at right angles to the wave, two rows of hemisphere-shaped floats are lifted upwards in sequence, moving hydraulic cylinder pistons which drive a hydraulic motor connected to a generator. This multi point absorber produces energy 90 percent of the time and maximum power 30 percent of the time.
- WaveEnergy - The Seawave Slot-Cone Generator (SSG) is based on the wave overtopping principle, utilizing three concrete reservoirs placed on top of each other which capture water that will then run through the turbine for electricity production.
- WaveBlanket - Uses thin polymer film envelopes filled with water as both its dynamic and structural components. Hydraulic chambers are compressed and relaxed as the plane is bent by the movement of the ocean surface. All moving parts are sealed from the elements in a closed system that mimics the human heart and uses flexibility as a survival strategy for rough waves.
- ORECon - With no moving parts below the waterline, the MRC1000 multi-resonant converter incorporates proven technology from the offshore oil and gas sector to present a robust structure capable of surviving the marine environment while generating 1MW of electrical power over a wide range of sea conditions.
- C-Wave Power - Plans to build floating wave farms in deepwater 5-20km offshore that extract energy from normal waves and dissipate the forces of storm waves. It will use neutrally buoyant walls half a wave length apart, so that while one is moving forward the other is moving back.
- Ocean Energy - The Oscillating Water Column duct pumps air through an air tubine. The whole power take-off system contains only one moving part and is above the waterline for reliabilty. Efficiency is high in normal wave conditions but reduces in extreme waves, making the device self limiting with good survivability.
- Wavegen - Limpet (Land Installed Marine Powered Energy Transformer) is a shoreline energy converter that uses the principle of an oscillating water column (OWC). The current Limpet device – Limpet 500 sited on the island of Islay, off Scotland’s west coast – was installed in 2000 and produces power for the national grid.
- Muscling the waves - SRI International is testing a buoy with "artificial muscle" technology in the waters off St. Petersburg, Florida. The wave-powered generator works off a novel electroactive polymer artificial muscle (EPAM), a rubbery material that directly generates electricity from the way it stretches and contracts. (Inside Greentech; Aug. 3, 2007)
- Wavemill Energy - The Wavemill® is the first practical, high-efficiency wave energy converter capable of being factory produced as a cost-effective, off-the-shelf unit, rather than having to be built on site. It is designed specifically for breakwater, shoreline, and very near shore installations.
- Offshore Wave Energy Ltd - OWEL floating offshore wave energy device traps and compresses the air in successive wave troughs for use in driving a turbine. The horizontal component of wave motion is used since wavelengths are many times greater than wave heights and horizontal motion is uni-directional. The design absorbs only a small proportion of the energy in storm waves.
- Ing Arvid Nesheim - The Oscillating Device converts the kinetic energy in wave motion into electricity by utilising the relative motion between the annual shaped floater and the floating column to drive electrical generators. The device can capture energy from vertical, pivotal, horizontal backwards and forwards (to-and-fro) movement.
- SwellFuel (.com) - Has filed three patent applications for a process that would convert wave energy into hydrogen generation, requiring shipment of hydrogen to land. Seems labor intensive compared to other renewable sea energy approaches.
- Seabased AB - The system is based on a three-phase, permanent magnet, linear generator in ocean bed arrays and directly driven by point absorbers (buoys) on the surface. Electricity can be generated at low wave amplitudes and relatively slow wave motion, allowing sheltered waters and calmer seas to be utilised. The simple mechanics enhance robustness and reduce maintenance.
- Ocean WaveMaster - Exploits the differential pressures under wave peaks and troughs of large open ocean waves to drive submerged turbines. A WaveMaster consists of two pressure chambers connected via a number of turbines and is located under the surface, away from rocks and breaking waves so that it can withstand the worst conditions.
- Waveberg - An articulated set of connected floats that flex as the waves pass under them, using this bending motion to pump seawater. The high-pressure water is piped ashore through plastic pipes and translated into power. The projected cost is about $0.02 per kW-hour, half of wind power.
- AquaMarine Power - Oyster™ is a near-shore bottom-mounted wave energy converter, where it is easier to access, less prone to extreme storms, and waves are amplified for small sea efficiency. Double acting pistons deliver pressurized seawater to the hydro-electrical power conversion unit located onshore. Full scale sea trials are planned to commence in 2007.
- Inventor builds Wave Generator at Home - Inventor has built a working wave generator, right down to the bicycle wheel flywheel and home-made generator. Video demonstrates constant electricity output under simulated and actual conditions. (TreeHugger; January 8, 2007)
- Neptune Renewable Energy - The Neptune Triton near shore wave energy converter is a seabed mounted, resonant point absorber utilising an axi-asymmetric buoy driving water hydraulic cylinders. Off the shelf water based hydraulic systems, accumulators and turbines keeps costs low. Planned for 2008/9.
- BioPower Systems - The wave energy conversion system, bioWAVE™, is based on the swaying motion of sea plants in the presence of ocean waves. The hydrodynamic interaction of the blades with the oscillating flow field is designed for maximum energy absorption. The bioWAVE™ is the only wave energy system that captures a wide swath of incident wave energy without using a large rigid structure, that absorbs energy over the full water depth and continually self-orients with the wave direction.
- Wave Dragon - Floating slack moored wave energy converter allows ocean waves to overtop a ramp which elevates water to a reservoir above sea level. This creates a ‘head’ of water which is subsequently released through a number of turbines and in this way transformed into electricity. A demonstrator project is constructing a 7 MW device to be deployed off the coast of Wales.
- O.S.M.E.G.S. - The OSMEGS Ram is a ship mounted hydraulic pump that utilizes gravity and the ocean wave "swell effect" to swing it back and forth. The electricity generating system on board is kept out of the water for durability. The ship is moored at a location where submarine cables are installed to transmit the energy to shore.
- Motorwave is a unique technology that has been created and developed in Hong Kong to tap the power of wave motion in order to make electricity,desalinated water and hydrogen. Anywhere there are waves.....there is power!
- Clearpower Technology - Floating largely below the water surface, self-reacting and loosely moored, the Wavebob will be deployed far out at sea in large arrays. It is more efficient, lighter and generates up to three times more electricity from waves.
- SwellFuel - The DuckDiver is a lever operated pivoting float with generator that is attached to the bottom and will adjust itself to the tide. The diving method is designed to make more energy and protect the equipment in large waves. Pulling the arm down one time turns the generator 200 revolutions. It will under go rigorous testing at this time.
- Embley Energy - Sperboy is a floating wave energy converter based on the 'oscillating water column' principle designed to be deployed in large arrays 8 to 12 miles off shore providing large-scale energy generation at a competitive cost. Air displaced by the oscillating water column is passed through rectifying turbine-generators.
- Green Ocean Energy - Wave Treader is an innovative and unique Wave Energy Converter (WEC) which is capable of extracting large amounts of energy from a wave system and efficiently converting it into electrical power. It is self aligning to wave pattern, has a high level of reliability and uses standard ‘off the shelf’ parts.
- Ecofys - The Wave Rotor is based on simple wind turbine principles to convert wave energy in circular currents directly into electrical power without the need of inefficient intermediate transmission steps, and can be combined with wind turbines into one platform.
- Wave power generator - Large open topped tanks are fixed in position with the bottoms at low tide level. Water enters through non-return valves in the seaward facing side of the tank and exits through turbines on the other side to generate electricity. The valves ensure water flows in one direction only. With low construction and maintenance costs and no fuel costs it should produce low cost electricity.
- Ocean Wave and Wind Energy - An OWWE rig is of the overtopping type, much like a floating beach, that can be combined with wind turbines. In the end of the beach there is a ramp, pivoted in one end and float at the other. Water is trapped by the ramp and lead to a chamber where the turbine is placed.
- GEdwardCook - The floating wave generator uses three pontoons that pivot on rigid arms as the wave passes, driving gears that turn a generator. The Siphon Wave Generator pulls the water straight up above the wave then across and through a turbine generator, then down into the valley between the waves.
- Balkee Tide and Wave Electricity Generator - Raj Balkee of Mauritius, has invented an energy conversion device that uses a floating buoy to advance a unidirectional generator, harnessing the up-and-down motion of waves and tide. Seeks participation to further advance the design and project. (PESWiki)
- Able Technologies - Electric Generating Wave Pipe (EGWaP) rises from the ocean floor to above the highest wave peak and is anchored to the ocean floor. When the water level in the pipe rises due to wave action, a float rises and a counterweight descends. This action will drive gears to turn a generator to produce electricity.
- Continual Wind-Up Charged by Waves - Vertical oscillation of a buoy could wind-up a spring, like those watches that are automatically charged with the movement of the wrist, which in turn would discharge to move a generator.
- FreeFlow 69 - The Ocean Energy Rig is a hybrid concept harnessing tidal stream, wave and wind power. The Wave Pump is designed to be as simple as possible, using two automatic non-return valves and a hydraulic cylinder creating a head of water to be drawn through a cross flow turbine.
- Bourne Energy - Ocean and river power systems. 100 x 100 foot, 1 MW OceanStar can be adapted to produce hydrogen and desalinate seawater.
- Wave Energy Technologies - WET EnGen™ converts ocean energy into mechanical energy to produce electricity, and/or desalinated water. Its Smart Float™ travels along a rigid spar at an incline of 45 degrees. The spar is moored at a single point of contact which allows the device to be fully compliant on all three axes (pitch, roll and yaw).
- AGARWAL INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING PVT. LTD. http://www.ainnovative-engg.com offers novel technology MOVABLE WATER TURBINES to harness power from sea waves developed by Indian engineers which has provisions for continuous power generation even in varying sea conditions. Patent is awaited shortly.
Some of
advantages of this new technology are given below: 1. High efficiency technology for continuous power generation 2. Suitable for continuously varying conditions of sea 3. Power can be generated from few hundred Kilowatts to thousands of Megawatts 4. Renewable green energy, no green house gases / carbon emission 5. Modular unique design
- Intentium as - Intentium AS is a Norwegian based wave power developing company. Intentiums concept differ from most other buoy absorbers, with a new focus on the dominant wave direction and wave crest length. The patented concept has a relatively wide float stabilized up against the dominating wave direction, combined with a double acting pump and a buoyancy controlled water anchor. The advantages of the concept is claimed to be; large energy pick-up per unit, possibilities for offshore installation, robust concept for mooring and PTO and as working fluid is water there is little risk of pollution. The company has its own small wave-tank for early stage testing.
For Propulsion
Directory:Propulsion from Ocean Waves - separate page about technologies that derive propulsion through water via the wave action of water.

In the News
Hydro > Wave > Buoys >
Rock n Roll wave energy device - A patent pending mechanical device by T. Sampath Kumar convert energy from the waves into electricity via two buoys with a pivoting arm between them that it turned into rotational force with a flywheel to even out the input. The waves can come from any direction. The device can be positioned near shore and in the deep seas. (RocknRoll.Nualgi.com; 2010)
Top 100 / Feature: Hydro > Ocean Wave > Buoys >
Spindrift Hydrokinetic Energy Device - This ocean wave harnessing technology takes advantage of the difference between wave height on the surface versus water stability deeper down. It is a buoy system that locates the alternator in the surface buoy, with a turbine down deep, by which water is accelerated via a venture shape through which the water flows. (PESWiki; Sept. 13, 2010)
Wave > Buoys // Wind > Offshore > Floating >
Poseidon: A Power Plant for Wind and Waves - A Danish company says it has designed a platform that can house wind turbines as well as harvest energy from the surrounding waves, having built a small prototype. They are in the midst of completing a larger one, and ultimately hope to build a commercial version that will sport three 1.5-megawatt to 2-megawatt wind turbines or a single 5-megawatt turbine. (Green Tech Media; Apr. 26, 2010)
Hydro > Ocean Wave > Buoys >
America’s First Wave Power Farm Coming to Oregon Coast - Each buoy will measure about 150 feet tall by 40 feet wide and weigh in at about 200 tons. A float on each craft rises and falls with the rolling of the waves, driving an attached plunger’s up-and-down movement. A hydraulic pump then converts that movement into a spinning motion, which drives an electric generator. (Inhabitat; Feb. 23, 2010)
- Ocean Wave Energy >
Australia funds utility-scale wave power station - Four renewable energy projects will receive AU$235 million from the federal government in Australia, including a 19 MW wave farm off the coast of Victoria. (Renewable Energy Focus; Nov. 1, 2009)
- AFA testing ocean waves for energy - Researchers at the Air Force Academy are developing an idea that could use ocean waves to meet much of the nation’s energy needs. The devices look like the paddle wheels on river steamships of old, but with some new twists. They envision submersible barges lined with the wheels that would generate electricity and transmit it to shore over submerged cables. (gazette.com; Dec. 31, 2007)
- AquaBuOY > Federal approval for Wash. wave power - Finavera Renewables announced that it received federal approval for a Washington state wave power project, the first for a wave, tidal or current energy project in the country. The Makah Bay Offshore Wave Pilot Project will consist of four 250 kilowatt wave energy conversion buoys and an associated mooring-anchoring and electrical connection system. (Cleantech; Dec. 21, 2007)
- AquaBuOY > Nation's first wave energy power purchase - Finavera Renewables made a deal to sell wave power to San Francisco's Pacific Gas & Electric, the first in the U.S. The deal is for a 2 megawatt AquaBuOY project off the Northern California coast, for power delivery starting in 2012. An estimated 8,000 MW of wave energy could be captured off the California coastline. (Cleantech; Dec. 18, 2007)

- HTS Linear Generators for PowerBuoy - Converteam's HTS linear generator system will enable direct conversion of the linear up and down motion of waves into electricity using OPT's PowerBuoy. The use of high temperature superconductors provides the necessary magnetic field at much lower cost and weight. (Renewable Energy Access; Nov. 1, 2007)
- Ocean Power Technologies Launches New PowerBuoy in Hawaii - PowerBuoy® wave power generation units near Kaneohe Bay on the island of Oahu, Hawaii - This is the third PowerBuoy to be deployed by OPT over the past two months at sites in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The Oahu PowerBuoy was launched under the Company’s ongoing program with the US Navy for installation of PowerBuoys off Marine Corps Base Hawaii at Kaneohe Bay and will be connected to the Oahu power grid. Further, the US Navy has added $300,000 in funding for this program to provide for extended operation of the PowerBuoy system. (Business Wire; Nov. 12, 2008)

- Wave power success - A Wavebob prototype wave energy converter has begun harnessing electricity from Atlantic waves off the west coast of Ireland. The floating buoy device automatically adjusts to the size of the waves to maximise power production. At full scale, each device will be capable of producing 1 megawatt. (PhysOrg; Oct. 16, 2007)
- Wave Hub Names Fourth Developer for Wave Energy Farm - Oceanlinx has been chosen as the fourth developer for the Wave Hub project off the coast of England. Oceanlinx will deploy its wave-energy converter, which combines the established science of the Oscillating Water Column with its own patented turbine technology. (Renewable Energy Access; May 15, 2007)
- New Wave Energy Plant Developed - Scientists from “Centre of Renewable Energy" company have developed a small, though very effective, wave energy plant that is very cheap and simple to assemble. The plant uses gravity and wave energy, thus making very cheap electric energy. Resarchers plan to start full-scale tests this summer. (Russia-InfoCentre; May 2, 2007)
- OPT to Work on Wave Power Park - Ocean Power Technologies and PNGC Power have signed an agreement to work cooperatively on development of a wave park in Oregon. OPT's PowerBuoy® systems will initially generate 2 MW, and they have a permit for up to 50 MW of capacity at the site. (Inside Greentech; Feb. 22, 2007)
- New ocean power company testing in Gulf of Mexico - Independent Natural Resources' ocean wave conversion system is a lower-tech approach that is more seaworthy and requires less maintenance. The "SEADOG" captures energy from swells or waves to pump seawater to land-based water towers, where the water can be returned to the ocean through hydroelectric turbines. (Inside Greentech; Feb. 16, 2007)
- Navatek creates electricity from waves - Naval architect Navatek has built a demonstration model of a wave-energy-conversion device which will be tested in Hawai'i waters. It uses a clutch and belt system to convert passing waves into electricity, that can extract power over a wider range of wave sizes and frequencies than other devices. (Honolulu Advertiser; December 20, 2006)
- Ocean Power to harness first wave next year - Ocean Power Technologies is to build what it claims will be Europe's first commercial wave plant off the coast of Spain with the help of Total, the French oil group. The facility will produce a mere 1.25MW of electricity but will move wave power from the experimental to the operational starting next year. (Guardian Unlimited; August 1, 2006)
- Oregon Governor Pursues Ocean 'Wave Energy' - Setting up a national Wave Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Center in Oregon is among the top priorities the Governor has outlined to Oregon's congressional delegation, voicing his support for a federal earmark of $3 million for the center. (Renewable Energy Access; Apr. 11, 2006)
- Focusing incoming Waves for Power Plant - Energetech's 40-foot-tall rig relies on the up-and-down motion of waves to force air in and out of a chamber, turning a turbine that produces electricity. $1.5-million prototype device is presently moored several miles off the Australian coast, collecting data. (Live Science; Feb. 21, 2006)
- Finding renewable power at sea (video) - An area 10 miles x 10 miles at sea could allegedly power all of California. George Taylor of Power Buoy expects their devices to meet price of coal power soon. (Discovery.ca; Nov. 14, 2005)
- Ocean Energy Devices Deployed in Two Oceans - New Jersey-based Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) this week announced deployments of two of its ocean energy devices in two oceans, at sites off Hawaii and New Jersey, USA. (RenewableEnergyAccess; Nov. 2005)
- Swell magnet stokes support for wave power - Hugh-Peter Kelly, the founder of Trident Energy, uses the up and down motion of a floating buoy to move an electrical coil along a stack of magnets, which generates an alternating current in the coil. 1/5-scale testing completed. (Nature; Oct. 11, 2005)
- Wave-Powered Desalination - Design harnesses the renewable energy of waves to produce fresh water. Production versions of the "desalination ducks" would be about 10 meters in diameter and 20 meters long. Each would supply water for more than 20,000 people. (New Scientist Tech; Nov. 7, 2006) (See Slashdot discussion)
- Focusing Ocean Waves for Power and Mondo Surf - A new water lens may allow engineers to focus ocean waves. Focusing water waves could potentially enhance the output of wave-powered energy generation schemes, protect ocean front real estate from wave damage, and even amplify waves for surfing and other seaside recreation activities. (PhysOrg; Oct. 12, 2005)
- EnergeTech Full-Scale Prototype Nears Deployment - After years of planning and development, the wave energy approach proposed by the Australia-based Energetech is about to be tested at a full-scale level in the ocean for the first time. (Alt Eng Access; Nov. 17, 2004)
- Wave buoys - Convert the ocean or sea wave energy into electricity. The flotation portion undulates with the waves, while a shaft fixed to the sea floor provides the counter-active force from which energy can be generated.
- Wave Farm Potential off UK Coast - A project off the UK coast continues to provide key data for developers keen on tapping the power of the ocean waves in the Atlantic. The Wave Buoy, funded by RWE npower, records waves, tidal current and the presence of marine wildlife. (Renewable Energy Access; Aug. 18, 2005)
- Ocean Power Technologies to Harness Spanish Waves - "The stormy, ship-wrecking seas of the Bay of Biscay are poised to take on a more constructive role as the site of the world's first wave-driven power station on a commercial scale." (PlanetArk/Reuters; March 2, 2004)
- Wave Power to Replace Gas in Zanzibar? - Tanzania is considering the possibility of turning Indian Ocean currents and waves into electric power to make the utmost of its geological position as an archipelago off east Africa. (Alt-Energy-Blog; Jan. 17, 2004)
- Energy Buoy to Lead to Wavefarm? - A state-of-the-art energy buoy is being launched 12 miles off the coast of St Ives, north of Cornwall to measure wave power. Will be monitored by scientists around the world. (Alt-Energy-Blog / BBC; Jan. 29, 2005)
- Wave Hub for Ocean Energy - Project off the South West coast of England could lead to the creation of up to 700 jobs and contribute GBP 27 million (US$ 51 million) a year to the economy. (Renewable Energy Access; Feb. 17, 2005)
- Oregon may lead future of wave energy - Electrical engineers at Oregon State University have pioneered the development of technologies to take advantage of wave power in ways that are reliable, maintainable and able to survive a hostile ocean environment. (Eureka Alert; Feb. 1) (Thanks H2O Power)
- VersaBuoy Sea Platforms - New system is 1/2 the cost of existing deepwater oil platforms; and is modular, opening many new possibilities, including off-shore wind and wave energy harnessing.
- NaREC Marine Test Facility - 3 seawater docks together with a wave maker and access to pumps to emulate a tidal race. The facility provides within a controlled environment an intermediate testing capability at typically 1/10th scale.
- 400Kw Power plant in the island of Pico, built in 1995/98 and is a bottom-mounted shoreline structure with a Wells turbine with guide vanes. In 2004/06 a set of relevant repair works lead to the successful recovery of the plant.
- New Business Cycle Expected for Ocean Energy - After securing helpful policy items in the recently passed House-Senate energy bill, proponents of ocean energy are looking forward to an accelerated business cycle for the nascent renewable energy technology. (Renewable Energy Access; Aug. 5, 2005)
Related Technology
Featured: Ocean Wave Energy / Biomimetics >
Wave Motion of Clouds - As another example of the macrocosm mirroring the microcosm, a 30x timelapse video of clouds around Canary Island in Spain resemble ocean waves crashing into a shore line. Good luck tying this in to practical energy research. (PESWiki; April 3, 2010)
Research and Development
- Tidal Power >
Hydrospiral Project - This proposal by Claudio Bianco is based on a phenomenon called undertow or rip current. The hydrospiral would not only generate electricity, but it could also indirectly help to regenerate marine life, prevent erosion on the coast and filter the ocean water.
- European Marine Energy Centre - EMEC was established to help the evolution of marine energy devices from the prototype stage into the commercial market place. They are at the forefront of the development of marine-based renewables – technologies that generate electricity for homes and businesses by harnessing the power of waves and tidal streams. The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) provides the worlds only multi-berth, purpose-built, open sea test facilities for wave and tidal marine energy converters.
- The Wave Energy Centre (WavEC) - A non-profit organisation, founded in 2003 dedicated to the development and promotion of Ocean Wave Energy through technical and strategic support to companies, R&D institutions and public entities. The Centre also strives to collaborate with companies and other institutions outside Portugal that recognise the necessity of International Cooperation, in particular those who seak an association with Portuguese companies / institutions.
- Using Tesla's Valvular Conduit to Harness Water Waves - Proposal to combine (1) Nicola Tesla's "Valvular Conduit", patented in 1920, which is essentially a one-way fluidic valve, and (2) the Anaconda Bulge Wave concept of having rubber tubing move up and down with ocean waves, in order to provide a simple and cost-effective mechanism for harnessing sea wave energy. (PESWiki; July 18, 2008)
Top 100: Hydro > Wave >
Huge swell sinks wave energy generator - A 170-tonne wave energy generator which was launched off the New South Wales south coast in March, has sunk in rough seas. Breaking free from its pylons on Friday afternoon it sank on Saturday. Early efforts to tow the barge to safety were abandoned due to rough conditions. Attempts to retrieve the barge will be made this week. (ABC; AU; May 17, 2010) (Thanks Tedd)
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