☆Let us Create Hopeful Future☆ Let's Create a Peaceful World where People are Safe and Conflict free 世界の人口増大に伴って、世界的な大きな課題となってきた食料問題の解決方策及び国際的な雇用創出の増大を目的として、大規模な浮体式洋上構造物上において、世界中の市民の参加による共同組織体制を創生し、地球の約70%の表面積の海洋を有効に利用して、自然再生循環系(Sustainable)の新しい産業・経済体系を創生させるプロジェクト構想を公海の海上に構築する。
ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean-Floating-Structures such as the Noah's ark.
Let us Create the Super Ocean - Floating - Structures such as the Noah's ark.
Listen to the intriguing sounds of these creatures. Feel yourself swimming amoungst these gentle giants of the deep, while they communicate peacefully and serenely with each other. Allow their haunting melodies to carry you off to a place of complete relaxation.
Suzannes71 is right, we must save the whales!! So I made this video.
Enjoy the sound of the deep!!
Thanks for reading, watching, rate and comment!! :D
カテゴリ: ペットと動物
タグ: Wale Delfine dolphins whale sounds water sea deep slideshow whales singing
Here is a track of the humpback sounds we can hear consistently off Bermuda as these whales migrate past us each spring from the Caribbean to the North Atlantic. At times the singing is 24 hours per day. Is it the males singing for other males as they do apparently in the warmer waters of the Caribbean? Or are these whales singing to other whales still migrating up from the Caribbean to signal their position in the shallows off Bermuda before continuing on their migration? Where we hear the singing the loudest is also where we see the most whale activity so there does seem to be a connection. Incidentally, most of the id matches Allied Whale has made (by matching our photographs of tail flukes) have been with whales photographed in Newfoundland.
If you like this video you will LOVE my new channel Scenic Videos, it has been designed for all videos just like this one. Be sure to subscribe for new releases. (its free)
Sit back and enjoy 22 minutes of the sun setting while waves are crashing on the rocks below.
This sunset was filmed in Newport Rhode Island
watch this video in a 5 minute time lapse
カテゴリ: 旅行とイベント
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Happiness Always Copyright 2009
カテゴリ: 音楽
タグ: Ken Davis SPA Yoga Tai Chi Relaxation Stress Relief
Amazonia, also called the Amazon Rainforest, is a moist broadleaf forest in the Amazon Basin of South America. The area encompasses seven million square kilometers, though the forest itself occupies some 5.5 million square kilometers, located within nine nations: Brazil (with 60 percent of the rainforest), Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.
The Amazon represents over half of the planet's remaining rainforests and comprises the largest and most species-rich tract of tropical rainforest in the world.
カテゴリ: ブログと人
タグ: Amazonia Amazon Rainforest sintonia saint germain
Here we go again! Every time I think about my first ocean power, the blue power project video some new ones come to mind. Im not talking about a project how to build a wind generator in my garage. Im talking about big projects and the concern we have on how to solve the demands of power that our civilization will have in the near future. The collective mind may solve our dilemma. Here is my input! So, out with oil, out with coal, out with hydro electrics and in with wind, ocean and sun.
What I envision is parts of the oceans that are suitable for this project to be covered with thousands of ocean power stations. Oil platforms pollutes the oceans with oil, chemicals and heavy metals and sooner or latter they are bound to retire but we can give them new life in a new (world) way!
Marine environment is hard on anything that stays in the water for long time. Barnacles and sea weed are like pests, adds weight and can stop any moving part dead on. My project uses old platforms as base for many generators but it can also be built on land. It uses old technology and nothing that does not suppose to be close to the water is in the water.
Probably it would not have any bad impact on marine life and perhaps marine life itself could benefit from it since fishes would be using the underwater columns for nursery. I bet there is nothing better for a fish swimming in open waters then to find a platform for shelter. For sure it is not funny to be running around with a mouth full of teeth right on your tail fin and no place to hide!
カテゴリ: 科学と技術
タグ: ocean power green power solar power wind power windmills
Sustainable Today visits the Wallace Energy Systems and Renewables Facility at Oregon State University. Lab head Annette Von Jouanne takes us on a tour of the facility and demonstrates the Wave Energy Linear Test Bed and the device that OSU and Columbia Power Technologies are developing.
カテゴリ: 非営利団体と社会活動
Esta es una recreacion del robot Submarino de Global Marine El ROV más potente de 600 kW, el MARCAS-III, puede funcionar a una profundidad de hasta 2500 metros, inspeccionando la condición del cable, diagnosticando problemas, perforando, cortando y volviendo a enterrar a 3 metros de profundidad, todo en el plazo de unos pocos días.Un ROV es un robot submarino no tripulado y conectado a un barco en la superficie por medio de un cable largo. La energía y los órdenes se envían mediante un mando a distancia a través del cable al ROV.A través del cable se transmiten también los datos de las cámaras fotográficas del ROV, los datos de los sensores y de los sonares al centro de control del barco de la superficie.
Los ROVS pueden llevar una gran variedad de brazos manipuladores para realizar trabajos en las profundidades, o simplemente una cámara fotográfica con el fin de captar las imágenes del fondo del mar.
El cable del ROV presenta ventajas e inconvenientes. Las ventajas es que es posible transmjitir al ROV fácilmente la energía y los datos, y los inconvenientes es que el propio peso del cable requiere una gran cantidad de energía para moverlo.
Clasificación de los ROVs:
ROVs de buceo libre y conexión con cable
ROVs remolcados de fondo y de media profundidad
ROVs de arrastre por el fondo
El control de los ROVs se realiza mediante un cable umbilical debido a las dificultades que existen para la transmisión de las ondas de radio en el agua del mar. Para poder realizar una transmisión efectiva, las ondas de radio deben ser de una gran longitud de onda, y esto requiere grandes antenas (centenares de metros) que las hacen poc This is a recreation of the robot submarine of Global Marine ROV The more powerful 600 kW, Marc-III can operate at depths of up to 2500 meters, inspecting the condition of the cable, diagnosing problems, drilling, cutting and re-bury 3 meters deep, all within a few días.Un ROV is an unmanned underwater robot and connected to a boat on the surface through a long cable. The energy and orders are sent through a remote control through the cable to ROV.A are transmitted through cable and also data from the ROV cameras, data from sensors and sonar control center of the boat the surface. The ROVS can carry a wide variety of arms handlers to work in the depths, or simply a camera to capture images of the seabed. The lead of ROVs has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it is possible to transmjitir ROV easily and energy data, and the drawbacks is that the actual weight of the cable requires a lot of energy to move. Classification of ROVs: ROVs diving and free cable connection ROVs towed background and average depth ROVs towed by the fund control of ROVs is done through an umbilical cord because of the difficulties that exist for the transmission of waves radio in seawater. To make an effective transmission, radio waves must be a large wavelength, and this requires large antennas (hundreds of meters) that make them difficult to use. o operativas.
カテゴリ: 科学と技術
June 21, 2009 by Carolyn Elefant
Filed under Blog, Regulation Watch
On June 12, 2009, President Obama announced the formation of an Oceans Task Force, comprised of heads of various federal agencies, to develop a national policy on oceans that “ensures the protection, maintenance, and restoration of the health of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems and resources, enhances the sustainability of ocean and coastal economies, preserves our maritime heritage, provides for adaptive management to enhance our understanding of and capacity to respond to climate change, and is coordinated with our national security and foreign policy interests.”
Additional information about the task force is available here.
Interestingly, the proposed policy endorses use of adaptive management, a strategy which OREC has long endorsed. Funding for an adaptive management fund is included in the Senate version of the energy bill, described in further detail in the New York Times.
【OREC Comments in Response to Pres. Obama’s Ocean Management Task Force】
September 11, 2009 by Carolyn Elefant
Filed under Blog, OREC Newsroom
On September 10, 2009, the Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition filed comments on a framework for ocean policy coordination and marine spatial planning in response to President Obama’s Ocean Management Task Force. Comments can be viewed here . OREC continues to participate in Task Force meetings and offer our input on proposed ocean management initiatives based on our members’ experience.
The Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition is the only national trade association exclusively dedicated to promoting marine and hydrokinetic energy technologies from clean, renewable ocean resources. Our organization embraces a wide range of renewable technologies, including wave, tidal, current, offshore wind, ocean thermal, marine biomass and all other technologies that utilize renewable resources from oceans, tidal areas and other unimpounded water bodies to produce electricity, desalinized water, hydrogen, mariculture and other by products.
Founded in April of 2005, OREC has grown to over 40 members including technology developers, consultants, law firms, investor-owned utilities, publicly owned utilities, universities, and scientific and engineering firms. The coalition is working with industry leaders, academic scholars, and other interested NGO’s to encourage ocean renewable technologies and raise awareness of their vast potential to help secure an affordable, reliable, environmentally friendly energy future.
We seek a legislative and regulatory regime in the United States that fosters the development of ocean renewable technologies, their commercial development, and support in the race to capture the rich energy potential of our oceans. While other countries have already deployed viable, operating, power generating projects using the emission-free power of ocean waves, currents, and tidal forces, the U.S. is only beginning to acknowledge the importance these technologies. Located in the Washington D.C. area, OREC takes advantage of its close proximity to Congress, as well as regulatory agencies such as Federal EnergyRegulatory Commission and Mineral Management Service to lobby effectively on behalf of the marine renewable industry and to participate in formation of regulatory policies that will expedite commercialization of new technologies and attract private investment and public support to this promising sector.
The energy in waves comes from the movement of waves going past a point and creating rotational movement. Discover how rotational movement caused by waves can generate electricity with information from a science teacher in this free video on wave energy and science lessons.
Expert: Steve Jones
Bio: Steve Jones is an experienced high school mathematics and science teacher.
Filmmaker: Paul Volniansky
カテゴリ: エンターテイメント
タグ: physical science energy electricity solar nuclear earth physics chemistry light
Underwater Kite Harnesses Ocean Energy
The system could generate 18 terawatthours of energy annually, enough to provide nearly 4 million British households with reliably green electricity every year. UK households now use about a third of what average US households use in energy.
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Originally Saab was working on a kite design for a wind turbine, but found that the concept would actually work better in water, which is 832 times more dense than air.
The kite twirls in a repeating figure eight pattern (video) that increases the ocean velocity ten-fold. The first stage increases the relative flow speed entering a turbine. When the tide hits the wing it turns down, which creates a lift force. The kite is mounted to the ocean bed with a tether and is controlled by a rudder to gently nudge it in the desired trajectory.
According to Minesto’s website, each megawatt-worth of kite(s) would weigh 14 tons, so it would seem that each 7 ton kite is a 500 KW unit. According to CEO Anders Jansson’s estimate, these could probably produce power for somewhere between $0.09 cents and $0.20 cents per kwh.
Certainly because these are such extremely simple-tech structures they would be cost effective - costing less in materials per power produced, and costing less in transporting them to the site, in installing them and even in ongoing maintenance costs.
Almost half the potential in Europe is in British waters, with the ocean moving an average of 1 to 2 metres per second between 60 and 120 metres below the surface.
The Carbon Trust based in the UK gave early development support. Minesto’s Deep Green is now funded in part by the UK and Swedish governments, and has nearly $3 million in additional capital from parent company Saab Group, Midroc New Technology, Verdane Capital and Encubator.
With these kinds of serious investors, and such a simple and cost effective design, this could be what gets wave power to the world.