ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean-Floating-Structures such as the Noah's ark.

ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean - Floating - Structures such as the Noah's ark.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ACCIONA Nevada Solar One

【ACCIONA Nevada Solar One】




ACCIONA Energía conectó a red en junio de 2007 la mayor planta solar termoeléctrica instalada en el mundo en los últimos 17 años. Ubicada en el estado de Nevada (EE.UU.), Nevada Solar One, de 64 MW de potencia, ha representado una inversión de 220 millones de euros.

ACCIONA Energy has connected to the grid the largest concentrating solar power (CSP) plant built in the world in the last 17 years in the State of Nevada (USA). The Nevada Solar One project, with a capacity of 64 MW, has involved an investment of €220 million
カテゴリ: 科学と技術

タグ: acciona nevada solar one energia energy termoelectrica concentrating power Eldorado Valley






Nana Mouskouri - I have a dream

【Nana Mouskouri - I have a dream】:【私にはひとつの夢がある:Nana Mouskouri 】

【出展引用リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCXIGJ9y9rk#

Sun Power

Sun Power

【備考】:A celebration of God Power in the form of the Sun, with images from the Soho

カテゴリ: 映画とアニメ

タグ: Sun God Power Soho Nasa


