ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean-Floating-Structures such as the Noah's ark.

ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean - Floating - Structures such as the Noah's ark.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

ORPC TidGen Technology

ORPC TidGen Technology

公開日: 2012/12/03

This is a short clip taken from the ORPC TidGen presentation film edited by OREC. This technology was deployed in Cobscook Bay, Maine. As of October 2012, it was providing electricity to the grid. For more information on ORPC and their technologies visit their website, http://www.orpc.co/



Cobscook Bay Tidal Energy Project

公開日: 2012/10/24

In 2012, following FERC approval, ORPC began the Maine Tidal Energy Project by installing a commercial TidGen™ Power System in Cobscook Bay. After running and monitoring this initial system for a year, we will install additional power systems over the ensuing three years to increase the project's output to up to 5 megawatts-enough electricity to power 1,200 Maine homes and businesses with clean tidal energy.

