ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean-Floating-Structures such as the Noah's ark.

ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean - Floating - Structures such as the Noah's ark.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

長江上流で1998年を上回る大洪水 : 人民網日本語版

人民網日本株式会社事業案内  更新時間:15:23 Jul 22 2010










 中国の中央気象局は14日、連日の豪雨により、長江主流の水位が全面的に上がっているため、洪水となる可能性が大きくなったと予報しました。この他、間もなく台風の季節にはいることから、全国の水害防止情勢は厳しくなっています... <全文へ


 国家洪水干ばつ対策指揮本部の13日の発表によりますと、8日から続く豪雨によって、揚子江沿岸の湖南省、湖北省、浙江省、重慶市などの10の省と市で洪水被害が出ています。被災した人口は累計で1926万人となり... <全文へ


 連日の豪雨により、長江主流の水位は全面的に上がっているので、洪水防止の情勢が厳しくなっています。中国気象局の最新予報によりますと、向こう3日間、長江の中流と下流地域では豪雨の降る可能性があるということです... <全文へ


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The Matthew principle in practice?




The Matthew principle in practice? –

On the development of wage dispersion in Norway and the relation to changes in the profitability distribution of firms

Harald Dale-Olsen
Kjersti Misje Nilsen
Institute for Social Research
Oslo, Norway
April, 2009


Key words: wage and earnings dispersion, variance decomposition, human capital, profitability,
JEL-code: J31, J33, M52

Acknowledgement: This work was financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Work and Inclusion under the project
“Lederlønninger og andre topplønninger i det norske arbeidsmarkedet”, and by the Norwegian Research Council
under grant number 173591/S20 (Harald Dale-Olsen) and under grant number 187928/S20 (Kjersti Misje
Nilsen).Corresponding author: Harald Dale-Olsen, Institute for Social Research, P.O. Box 3233 Elisenberg, N-0208
OSLO, NORWAY. E-mail: hdo@socialresearch.no

In this paper we use comprehensive population-wide Norwegian linked employer-employee data
to study the development of wage dispersion during the period 1995 to 2006. The dispersion in
both for yearly earnings and hourly wages in the Norwegian economy during this period have
increased steadily, but less for hourly wages than for yearly earnings. For yearly earnings we
identify a movement towards greater dispersion between workplaces and smaller dispersion
within workplaces. For hourly wages these changes are less evident. First-differenced GMMregressions of wage dispersion on profitability reveal that those well-off benefit more from increased firm profitability than the median worker.

Key words: wage dispersion, variance decomposition, human capital, profitability, GMM
JEL-code: J31, J33, M52

1. Introduction
Changes in the wage and earnings distributions are important for several reasons. Such changes provide evidence on growth in the demand for skills, on changes in wage setting institutions and social norms, and on changes in the distribution of economic welfare and thus on a wide range of health and social issues.1

In Anglo-American countries we have observed a strong but possibly diminishing
increase in wage and earnings inequality during the last 20 years (Katz and Murphy, 1992; Levy and Murnane, 1992; Acemoglu, 2002). Several studies indicate that the U.S. and UK labour market has been polarising (e.g., Autor et al., 2006; Goldin and Katz, 2007; Goos and Manning, 2007). Goldin and Katz argue for example that the U.S. wage structure has been polarising since the late 1980s. In Europe outside the UK, the evidence is clearly mixed. In many countries one only observes small variation in the overall wage and earnings inequality. In other countries one finds evidence of increased inequality (Freeman and Katz, 1995; Atkinson, 2008; Lazear and Shaw, 2009). In some cases, conflicting evidence is found due to different empirical approach and due to mixed effect over time. For example, while Germany is usually associated with a stable wage structure, Schönberg et al. (2009) conclude that German wage inequality increased at the top of the distribution in the 80s and at the bottom end of the distribution from the 90s.

Similarly, the comparative analysis of Atkinson (2008) which focuses on four periods – the 1970s,
the 1980s, 1990s and the 2000s – reveal different trends for many countries over the four

The big question is why do we observe these country differences and similarities when it
comes to changes in the wage structure? One explanation for the similarity regarding inequality growth is that skill-biased technological change increase demand for all kinds of skills and thus the return to skills (Acemoglu, 2002). Therefore technological change could be the main force 

1 See Katz and Autor (1999) for a survey on wage inequality. For a recent survey of the literature on wage inequality,
see Lemieux (2008). For a popularised discussion of inequality in general and the consequences for societies, we recommend the recently published and much debated book of Wilkinson and Pickett (2009).



マタイ(英: Matthew the Evangelist):Wikipedia



マタイ(英: Matthew the Evangelist)は新約聖書の福音書に登場する人物でイエス・キリストの十二使徒の1人。ギリシア語表記はマタイオス(Μαθθαιος,Matthaios)。マテオ、マトフェイとも表記する。聖書によればイエスの弟子となる以前は収税人であった。東方諸教会・正教会・カトリック教会・聖公会・ルーテル教会で聖人とされる。
生涯 [編集]


聖マタイの召命(カラヴァッジオ)1592年 - 1602年頃 サン・ルイジ・デイ・フランチェージ聖堂(ローマ)

最終更新 2010年7月6日 (火) 12:11 (日時は個人設定で未設定ならばUTC)。
テキストはクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承ライセンスの下で利用可能です。追加の条件が適用される場合があります。詳細は利用規約を参照してください。


【出展リンク2】: Saint Matthew : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Matthew the Evangelist (מתי/מתתיהו, "Gift of Yahweh", Standard Hebrew and Tiberian Hebrew:Mattay or MattithyahuSeptuagint GreekΜατθαῖοςMatthaios) was, according to Christian tradition, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus and one of the four Evangelists.
Matthew, a former tax collector, composed the Gospel of Christ. It was first published in Judea in Hebrew for Hebrew Christians. It was later translated into Greek. Moreover the Hebrew Gospelitself was brought to the Library of Cæsarea by Pamphilus. The Nazarenes, who used it, had a copy of it transcribed for Jerome.[2]




Among the early followers and apostles of Jesus, a Matthew is mentioned in Mt 9:9 and Mt 10:3 as a former tax collector from Capernaum who was called into the circle of the Twelve by Jesus. He is also named among the number of the Twelve, but without identification of his background, in Mk 3:18Lk 6:15 and Acts 1:13. He is often equated with the figure of Levi, son of Alpheus, also a tax collector, who is mentioned in Mk 2:13 and Lk 5:27.
Early church fathers Epiphanius of Salamis and Jerome mention a first gospel, the now lost Gospel of the Hebrews, said to have been written by Matthew.[3] Epiphanius does not make his own the claim about a Gospel of the Hebrews written by Matthew, a claim that he merely attributes to theheretical Ebionites.[4] Most modern biblical scholars believe that the attested canonical gospel that came to be ascribed to Matthew's authorship by later tradition was probably originally composed in Greek and by an author who was not a direct companion of the historical Jesus.[5]However, other scholars disagree variously on these points.[6][7][8]
Some use the designation "Matthew the Evangelist" to refer to the anonymous gospel author, and "Matthew the Apostle" to refer to the biblical figure described. Christian tradition holds that they are the same person.[9]

[edit]Early life

Matthew was born in First Century Judea. He was a Galilean and the son of Alpheus [10] During the Roman occupation, Matthew collected taxes from the Hebrew people for Herod Antipas. His Tax Office was located in Capernaum. Jews who became rich in such a fashion, were despised and considered outcasts. However, as a tax collector he would have been literate in Aramaic (but probably not Greek or Latin).[9] [11][12]
It was in this setting, near what is today Almagor, that Jesus called Matthew to be one of the Twelve Disciples. After his call, Matthew invited the Lord home for a feast. On seeing this, the Scribes and the Pharisees criticized Jesus for eating with tax collectors and sinners. This prompted Jesus to answer, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” [10][12][13][14][15]

[edit]Matthew's Ministry

Portrait of Matthew in Minuscule 714
Matthew's ministry in the New Testament is likewise complex. When Matthew is mentioned he usually paired him with Thomas. As a disciple, he followed Christ, and was one of the witnesses of theResurrection and the Ascension. Afterwards, Matthew along with Mary, James and other close followers of the Lord, withdrew to the Upper Chamber, in Jerusalem.[16][17][18][19] At about this time James succeeded his brother Jesus of Nazareth[20][21] as the leader of this small Jewish sect.[22]
They remained in and about Jerusalem and proclaimed that Jesus son of Joseph was the promised Messiah. These early Jewish Christians were thought to have been called Nazarenes.[23][24] It is near certain that Matthew belonged to this sect, as both the New Testament and the early Talmud affirm this to be true.[25]
Matthew, for 15 years, preached the Gospel in Hebrew to the Jewish community in Judea. Later in his ministry, he would travel to Gentile nations and spread the Gospel to the EthiopiansMacedonians,Persians, and Parthians.[citation needed] He is said to have died a natural death either in Ethiopia or in Macedonia. However, the Roman Catholic Church says he died a martyr on September 21, and of the Orthodox Church also says he died a martyr but on November 10.[9][26]

[edit]Matthew's Gospel

St. Matthew and the Angel by Rembrandt
Origen said the first Gospel was written by Matthew.[27][28] This Gospel was composed in Hebrew near Jerusalem for Hebrew Christians and translated into Greek, but the Greek copy was lost. The Hebrew original was kept at the Library of Caesarea. The Nazarene Community transcribed a copy forJerome which he used in his work.[29] Matthew's Gospel was called the Gospel according to the Hebrews or sometimes the Gospel of the Apostles [30][31] and it was once believed that it was the original to the Greek Matthew found in the Bible, but this has been largely disproved by modern Biblical Scholars.[who?][32]


Matthew is recognized as a Saint in the Roman CatholicEastern OrthodoxLutheran and Anglicanchurches.[citation needed] His feast day is celebrated on September 21 in the West, November 16 in the East (for those churches which follow the traditional Julian Calendar, 16 November currently falls on 29 November of the modern Gregorian Calendar). He is also commemorated by the Orthodox, together with the other Apostles, on 30 June (13 July), the Synaxis of the Holy Apostles.
Like the other evangelists, Matthew is often depicted in Christian art with one of the four living creatures of Revelation 4:7. The one that accompanies him is in the form of a winged man. The three paintings of Matthew by Caravaggio in the church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome, where he is depicted as called by Christ from his profession as gatherer, are among the landmarks of Western art.

[edit]See also
