ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean-Floating-Structures such as the Noah's ark.

ノアの箱舟を創ろう Let us Create the Super Ocean - Floating - Structures such as the Noah's ark.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Obama at Society of Irish Women's St. Patrick's Day Dinner

【出展リンク】: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrnuhSUxb7M

Obama at Society of Irish Women's St. Patrick's Day Dinner

thepoconos | 2008年03月17日
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., speaks at the Society of Irish Women's St. Patrick's Day Dinner in Scranton on Monday, March 17, 2008. Read the story athttp://www.thepennsylvaniaprimary.com and http://www.poconorecord.com

(Adam Richins / Pocono Record)




  • @charlieiscool1000 Nah he was Welsh.

  • This is true.He was a Roman Citizen and then England was a Roman territory.

  • and St patrick was an Englishman not irish

  • God i love O'Bama

  • The hands that built America!

  • i love it how he tries to identify with Irish people everywhere, and he comes close Then he goes and pronounces Celtic "Seltic"... great. kinda like Corpsman verses "Cor p sman"

  • what oppression lol

  • I love it, America's EIGHTEENTH Irish President! You gotta love the Irish - from oppression to domination in one generation!

  • No more Obama.

  • No he's not. He's joking affectionately and having a laugh.

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